We are here to serve you to get free as love embodied. You are sovereign and it is up to you to look after your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.
Reveal Yourself as an Energy Master 12-month package
12 months of online intensives and retreats (24% or more discount based on offerings)
Somatic Movement Bi weekly w/Jenny Starting July 9th 2024
Are you willing and available to continue the exploration of nature and how it moves in the body? We will meet bi-weekly starting July 9th, Tuesdays 5pm MDT and alternate every 2 weeks with Mondays 9am. Movements and combinations based on the foundational somatic movements in the Wholistic Body Alignment course in the complimentary membership. I am excited to continue to be a somanaut (astronaut that travels into the soma/inner you)with you.
Min Donation $5 Monthly (Suggested $5-20 weekly)
We are the Guardians (on the OwnStream Platform) Start July 25, 2024 12:00-2:00pm MDT
What are you being asked to facilitate for those around you? Is your warrior in aligned control? How about your ability to come from nurturing? Not sure there is a more important role for these days. How do we create space and parameters that serve for the flourishing and leadership that these fresh individuals growing up in these times are asking for? Let's go there and see what is yours to do and not do. July 25, Aug 1, 8, 15
Radical Abundance Six Month Program w/Judy August 16th 2024, twice weekly calls Wednesdays at 4pm MDT Friday 8am MDT (calls will be same topic each week so suggested to attend one or the other)
Being in alignment with nature does not mean we only eat tree parts. We will use "The Garden of Abundance' to get us started in exploring how we would like to show up financially. What model might fit us best and spend the rest of the time recognizing alignment and releasing any and accumulation in your way of recognizing abundance.
What if it wasn't either or like the old paradigm seemed to suggest and our best is to get in alignment with the ability to give/receive in a new way of desire and oneness. Can you imagine the truth of unlimited?
'Radical abundance is effortless. I allow it to come to me and known and unknown ways. I am free and the flow of love as love as radical abundance I see with new eyes as magic reveals the perfection of now.'
6 months, $123 monthly or one payment of $738 for the six months
In Relationship Intensive w/Judy August 20-22, 2024 2-4pm MDT
What does it look like to be in aligned relationship with self and then share that with those around you? So you do not need to be in relationship to take this intensive. The patterns of the past do not have to control you and taking your power back is more simple than you think.
Minimum Donation $36 (Suggested $36-$81)
Finding and Dropping AGENDA-Facilitators Only Sept 4-6th, 2024
In order to be as clear as possible to support those around us, we will find those agendas and do everything we can so they drop away. Facilitator training open twice a year for those interested https://wholisticweaver.com/freedom-facilitator
Clearing Clutter Intensive w/Judy September 11-12 and 18th, 2024 8-10am MDT
Why and intensive on clutter? It is a significant aspect of aligned relationship with self. How you interact with the space around you will give you valuable information about where there is alignment to be had. Join this adventure so that you may more fully recognize where you are in control and where you are not. Allow this intensive to support you in realizing the beliefs that dictate the behaviors. You may expect a few unexpected twists and turns in perception and how you look at clutter may never be the same.
Min Donation $36 (Suggested $36-$81)
Freedom From the Food System w/Judy Sept 16, 2024 12 weeks Monday 3pm MDT
Minimum Donation $90 (Suggested $90-$192)
Seeing Life Through Death Retreat Sept 21-22 2024 9-12am, 1-3pm, 4-6pm MDT
If you have worked with us at all, you may have heard me say that the fear of death is why we do not live fully, love unconditionally, and express ourselves without censoring. How much does the fear of death cause us to control, manipulate and not see ourselves as love? Looking at the beliefs woven into this common fear ( I have never worked with anyone that was not affected by this fear), can cause space to open up where it is easier to take a full breath and recognize Source more clearly. this along with greater peace and ease after the dust settles is what we are after. This may not be an easy one for you to look at, and we do what is hard so that life can be easier. I am willing to go there, are, you?
Minimum Donation $174 (Suggested $174-$231)
Sex Intensive for Women Oct 9-11 2024 2-4 PM MDT
Min Donation $36 (Suggested $36-$81)
Take back your power now intensive October 15th-17th 2024 2:00-4:00pm MDT
‘Why do we give our power away in the first place? The energies are available for so much more, why would we leave it on the table. Once we understand that, life can be a whole different story.
You might be surprised where power needs to be taken back from. As chaos increases, it’s a good time to make sure all your power is available for you.
To live with your full power available, able to handle anything that comes along, what would that be like?
Today is the best day to see this topic clearly as we move into these new times. There might be a completely different way to look at power and what we do with it. It is up to us to create what we desire and live the way we choose to show up. How will you show up moving forward? Let’s find out and discover new ways to come from a powerful place in each moment.’
Minimum Donation $36 (Suggested $36-$81)
Breath Alignment Intensive with Jenny Oct 29-31 2024 1-3 PM MDT
Are you curious about the interworking aspects of breathing into your sides? Join me in taking a deeper dive in to the somatic and anatomical elements of the Freedom Process Breath. We will look at how the breath supports your body overall, play with some of the finer pieces, and then put it all together through the body. This will be a playful, practical and applicable intensive to support in deepening the Freedom Process.
Come as you are, with an open beginners mind. Let’s explore how this living process nourishes the body wholistically!
Min Donation $36 (Suggested $36-$81)
Body Alignment Retreat Nov 15-17 2024 9-12am, 1-3pm, 4-6pm MDT
This is not about exercise, imagine instead of pruning the top of the plant (managing symptoms) we will tend to the roots (the core reason for issues). How much control do we have over this aspect of ourselves? Let's explore and create space for the structural. electrical, energetic being to find homeostasis.
There is more to us than just the body and yet, the body as an avenue to communicate, deserves attention so the messages can be clear and magical. Let's check it out and get to the core of discomfort, aging and illness so we might express something different if that is in alignment.
This is an wholistic event so the body is the way we will look at physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of self.
Minimum Donation $174 (Suggested $174-$231)
Saying "No" During Holidays Nov 19-21 2024 11:30-1:30 PM MST
Min Donation $36 (Suggested $36-$81)
Finding and Dropping AGENDA-Facilitators Only Dec 3-5th, 2024 1:30-3:30 PM MST
In order to be as clear as possible to support those around us, we will find those agendas and do everything we can so they drop away. Facilitator training open twice a year for those interested https://wholisticweaver.com/freedom-facilitator
Take back your power now intensive December 10th-12th 2024 8:00-10:00am MST
‘Why do we give our power away in the first place? The energies are available for so much more, why would we leave it on the table. Once we understand that, life can be a whole different story.
You might be surprised where power needs to be taken back from. As chaos increases, it’s a good time to make sure all your power is available for you.
To live with your full power available, able to handle anything that comes along, what would that be like?
Today is the best day to see this topic clearly as we move into these new times. There might be a completely different way to look at power and what we do with it. It is up to us to create what we desire and live the way we choose to show up. How will you show up moving forward?
Let’s find out and discover new ways to come from a powerful place in each moment.’
Minimum Donation $36 (Suggested $36-$81)
Self Alignment Retreat January 3rd-5th 2025 9-12am, 1-3pm, 4-6pm MDT
Minimum Donation $174 (Suggested $174-$231)
In Person Retreat in Hawaii Feb 2025
Wow, what a ride. Imagine bringing all the pieces we work on together in a wholistic way and gently yet directly shifting that which is in the way of your full expression of you. What is possible? Greater details to follow as this is our tentative date and times are not fully set yet.
Take back your power now intensive February 2025 TBD 2:00-4:00pm MST
Minimum Donation $36 (Suggested $36-$81)
Get your body in alignment Retreat March 2025 9-12am, 1-3pm, 4-6pm MDT
Minimum Donation $174 (Suggested $174-$231)
Take back your power now intensive April 29th - May 1st 2025 2024 8:00-10:00am MT
Minimum Donation $36 (Suggested $36-$81)
If you are not happy with your relationships let's free you from what holds you back.
Are you still censoring yourself? Mis-aligned beliefs be gone.
Real change happens when we bring it down into the body and get solid intel.
Creating space so the accumulation in your way can drop away, is the name of the game.
If abundance is what you desire then find out and release what is in the way.
Living process is all we encourage so the rest of your life is not spent in practice.
We are shifting how we show up so the world we see can also shift.
Freedom as Love Embodied makes life a lot more enjoyable.